The  NEON Archive Observing School

The fourth Neon school (or first one in the new series) will take place at: 
ESO-Garching (Germany) from July 14 to 24, 2004

The principles are the same as in previous schools: introductory lectures on topics of general interest,  work in small groups, 
execution of a real research project,  presentation of the results at the end of the school. 
BUT instead of using new data obtained at the telescope, the scientific programs will be conceived around the  use of  archival data, from ground telescopes or from space observatories. 
Emphasis will therefore be put specifically  on the analysis of data quality and on multi-wavelength research.

Financial conditions: due to the lack of EU funding, participating students are expected to pay their travel expenses, 
and board and lodging expenses themselves (from their home institution money). 
The school will  however be free of charges.

The school is open to PhD students or post-docs with limited observing experience from all over Europe (including the far east). 
A limited amount of financial support is available for students coming from countries/institutes with small resources. 

For general information about the Neon school, see the EAS Web page.
For details about this particular school (registration, schedule, practical information, etc...) see the ESO Web page.

Deadline for registrationApril 30th, 2004 
The final list of selected  participants should be available by early june.