Claire Guépin
Photons, Cosmic-Rays, Neutrinos...
...and Transients Sources.

Photons, Cosmic-Rays, Neutrinos...
...and Transients Sources.
I am Dr. Claire Guépin (she/her/hers), a french astrophysicist, working as a postdoc at the University of Maryland and Goddard Space Flight Center. I am supported by the Neil Gehrels Prize Postdoctoral Fellowship.
As an astrophysicist, my work is closely connected to observations. The improved sensitivities of astronomical observatories, the development of new detection techniques and the possibility of fast follow-up with a wide variety of observatories gave birth to a new era of transient multi-messenger astronomy. Photons, cosmic rays, neutrinos and gravitational waves of astrophysical origin are constantly detected; all these messengers are complementary, and carry information about the high-energy universe.
My research focuses on modeling the most energetic sources of our universe, such as massive black holes disrupting stars, or rapidely rotating and highly magnetized neutron stars. The physical conditions in these objects are very different than those on earth: very high electromagnetic fields, extremely high or low particle densities or intense gravity are a few examples. These astrophysical sources produce very luminous high-energy emissions, that have been related to the acceleration of electrons, positrons and possibilty protons and other ions. Many details concerning these emissions remain mysterious. Moreover, the link between these sources and very-high-energy cosmic rays, that are detected on eath, is still to be clarified; we still do not completely understand which sources produce these cosmic rays and how they gain their tremendous energies.
In addition to studying theoretical aspects of multi-messenger astrophysics and transient phenomena, I am also part of the Giant Radio Array for Neutrino Detection (GRAND) and Probe Of Extreme Multi-Messenger Astrophysics (POEMMA) collaborations. With complementary techniques, these two projects aim both at studying ultra-high energy cosmic rays and performing the first detection of very-high energy neutrinos.
Chasing the cosmic accelerators with high energy astroparticles
Prix de thèse Daniel Guinier 2019
Prix de thèse de la chancellerie des universités de Paris 2020
Download my curriculum vitae.
7. C. Guépin, R. Aloisio, A. Cummings, L. Anchordoqui, J. Krizmanic, A. Olinto, M. Reno & T. Venters, Indirect dark matter searches at ultrahigh energy neutrino detectors, 2021, Phys. Rev. D 104, 083002, arXiv: 2106.04446.
6. C. Guépin, Signatures of secondary acceleration in neutrino flares, 2020, A&A, 641, A29, arXiv: 2006.08660.
5. C. Guépin, B. Cerutti, K. Kotera, Proton acceleration in pulsar magnetospheres, 2020, A&A, 635, A138, arXiv: 1910.11387.
4. C. Guépin, F. Sarazin, J. Krizmanic, J. Loerincs, A. Olinto, A. Piccone, Geometrical Constraints of Observing Very High Energy Earth-Skimming Neutrinos from Space, 2019, JCAP, 03, 021, arXiv: 1812.07596.
3. C. Guépin, L. Rinchiuso, K. Kotera, E. Moulin, T. Pierog, J. Silk, Pevatron at the Galactic Center: multi-wavelength signatures from millisecond pulsars, 2018, JCAP, 07, 042, arXiv:1806.03307.
2. C. Guépin, K. Kotera, E. Barausse, K. Fang, K. Murase, Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays and Neutrinos from Tidal Disruptions by Massive Black Holes, 2018, A&A, 616, A179, arXiv:1711.11274.
1. C. Guépin & K. Kotera, Can we observe neutrino flares in coincidence with explosive transients?, 2017, A&A, 603, A76, arXiv:1701.07038.
8. R. Alves Batista et al. incl. C. Guépin, EuCAPT White Paper: Opportunities and Challenges for Theoretical Astroparticle Physics in the Next Decade, 2021, arXiv:2110.10074.
7. M. H. Reno et al. incl. C. Guépin, Neutrino constraints on long-lived heavy dark sector particle decays in the Earth, 2021, arXiv:2107.01159.
6. A. V. Olinto et al. incl. C. Guépin, The POEMMA (Probe of Extreme Multi-Messenger
Astrophysics) Observatory, 2020, arXiv:2012.07945.
5. T. M. Venters, M. Hall Reno, J. F. Krizmanic, L. A. Anchordoqui, C. Guépin and A. V. Olinto, POEMMA's Target of Opportunity Sensitivity to Cosmic Neutrino Transient Sources, 2020, Physical Review D, 102, 123013, arXiv:1906.07209.
4. V. Decoene, C. Guépin, K. Fang, K. Kotera, B. D. Metzger, High-energy neutrinos from fallback accretion of binary neutron star merger remnants, 2020, JCAP, 04, 045, arXiv:1910.06578.
3. A. Olinto et al. incl. C. Guépin, POEMMA: Probe of Extreme Multi-Messenger Astrophysics, 2019, Astro2020: Decadal Survey on Astronomy and Astrophysics, APC white papers, no. 99; Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Vol. 51, Issue 7, id. 99.
2. M. Mostafa et al. incl. C. Guépin, Science and Design for the Giant Radio Array for Neutrino Detection, 2019, Astro2020: Decadal Survey on Astronomy and Astrophysics, APC white papers, no. 92; Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Vol. 51, Issue 7, id. 92.
1. The GRAND Collaboration incl. C. Guépin, The Giant Radio Array for Neutrino Detection (GRAND): Science and Design, arXiv:1810.09994.
6. C. Guépin et al., Probing the properties of superheavy dark matter annihilating or decaying into neutrinos with ultra-high energy neutrino experiments, 2021, 37th International Cosmic Ray Conference
5. A. Olinto et al. incl. C. Guépin, The POEMMA (Probe of Extreme Multi-Messenger Astrophysics) mission, 2019, 36th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Madison, WI, U.S.A.
4. T. M. Venters, M. Hall Reno, J. F. Krizmanic, L. A. Anchordoqui, C. Guépin and A. V. Olinto, A new calculation of Earth-skimming very- and ultra-high energy tau neutrinos, 2019, 36th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Madison, WI, U.S.A.
3. C. Guépin & K. Kotera, Can we observe neutrino flares in coincidence with explosive transients? 2017, Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Paris, France.
2. K. Fang et al. incl. C. Guépin, The Giant Radio Array for Neutrino Detection (GRAND): Present and Perspectives, 2017, 35th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Bexco, Busan, Korea.
1. F. Mottez, C. Guépin, K. Kotera, G. Voisin, P. Zarka, Models of fast radio bursts at cosmological distances, 2016, Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Lyon, France.
2022/01 Invited talk, NASA PhysPAG Cosmic Ray Science Interest Group Meeting
2021/12 Talk, GRAND collaboration meeting, LPNHE, Paris
2021/12 Talk, Journal club, KICP
2021/10 Invited talk, GAMALO theory meeting
2021/09 Invited seminar, Laboratoire Univers et Particules de Montpellier, France
2021/07 ICRC Conference 2021
2021/07 Invited talk, AstroParticle Lunch, Ohio State University
2021/07 GRAD-MAP mini-lecture, University of Maryland
2021/06 Invited seminar, Center for Computational Astrophysics
2021/05 Invited review, CFRCOS3
2021/04 APS April Meeting 2021
2021/03 Invited talk, award ceremony of the prize Daniel Guinier of the french physics society
2021/02 Invited seminar, Radboud University Nijmegen
2021/02 Invited seminar, Niels Bohr international academy (NBIA)
2020/12 NECO on-line workshop 'Probing the Extragalactic Universe with High Energy and Very High Energy Sources'
2020/10 PCTS on-line workshop 'Understanding the Most Energetic Cosmic Accelerators: Advances in Theory and Simulation', invited talk
2020/06 JEM-EUSO and POEMMA on-line collaboration meeting
2020/04 PHAROS conference, Greece, cancelled
2020/02 GRAND collaboration meeting, Karlsruhe, Germany
2020/02 Seminar, CEA, Bruyères-le-Châtel, France
2019/06 Public PhD defense, IAP, Paris, France
2019/06 Journée de la Fondation CFM pour la Recherche, Paris, France
2019/05 GReCO seminar, IAP, Paris, France
2019/01 Seminar, LUTH, Meudon, France
2018/12 Seminar, GRAPPA, Amsterdam, Netherlands
2018/11 Blackboard talk, Johns Hopkins University, United-States
2018/11 Seminar, Ohio State University, United-States
2018/10 Seminar, Princeton University, United-States
2018/10 Seminar, Columbia University, United-States
2018/10 UHECR 2018, Paris, France
2018/10 ICAP meeting, IAP, Paris, France
2018/08 TeV Particle Astrophysics 2018, Berlin, Germany
2018/08 GRAND workshop, IAP, Paris, France
2018/06 Journée de la Fondation CFM pour la Recherche, Paris, France
2018/06 Workshop MODE, Montpellier, France
2018/06 IAP PhD Student seminar, IAP, Paris, France
2018/02 GRAND workshop, Nijmegen, Netherlands
2017/10 JEM-EUSO and POEMMA meeting, Torino, Italy
2017/10 Chalk talk, University of Chicago, United-States
2017/09 Seminar, The Pennsylvania State University, United-States
2017/07 Journées de la SF2A 2017, Paris, France
2017/06 Journée de la Fondation CFM pour la Recherche, Paris, France
2017/06 IAP PhD Student seminar, IAP, Paris, France
2017/05 GRAND workshop, IAP, Paris, France
2017/03 Rencontres de Moriond, La Tuile, Italy
2017/03 Journal club, CEA, Saclay, France
2016/11 Elbereth conference, IAP, Paris, France
2016/09 Poster, TeV Particle Astrophysics 2016, CERN
claire dot guepin at iap dot fr
cguepin at astro dot umd dot edu
Trail running, trekking, rock-climbing, back-country and downhill skiing
Or simply contemplate the mountains and enjoy a quiet moment
Drawing and painting, dry and oil pastels, acrylic, oil, watercolour
Playing the piano, singing, listening to an opera aria