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First steps with code Pégase.3.0.1


To extract the code from the compressed archive, type 
        "tar xvf Pegase.3.0.1.tar.gz"
in a terminal. This creates in "./" a directory called "Pegase.3.0.1/" which 
contains all the source files of the code.

To read the documentation, open file "doc_Pegase.3.0.1.pdf" in 
"Pegase.3.0.1/doc_dir/" with a PDF reader. Have a look at least at section I
("Getting started") before compiling and running the code. The text of the 
free software CeCILL license under which Pégase.3.0.1 is distributed is in the
same directory as the documentation. This directory also contains the paper 
published in Astronomy & Astrophysics (file "article_Pegase.3.pdf") and a list 
of changes with previous versions of Pégase.3 (file "Changes.txt.html").

To compile the code, go in "Pegase.3.0.1/bin_dir/" and execute the command 
`make` in a terminal. Follow the instructions in section I.2 of the 
documentation to modify the default settings, in particular if you need or
want to change the Fortran compiler and the link to the PGPlot graphical 
library (this library is called by the "plot_*" executables provided with the 

To check that the code works without problem on your machine, we recommend 
that, for the first execution, you run "./SSPs", "./spectra" and "./colors" in 
"Pegase.3.0.1/bin_dir", and that you provide the same answers as in section I.3 
of the documentation.


Michel Fioc (2019-02-21)

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