DLA catalogues

On this page, you'll find links for several DLA catalogues based on SDSS-II and SDSS-III/BOSS.
Note that within a survey (SDSS-II or SDSS-III), data releases are inclusive of previous ones.
For more details, please visit the sdss and sdss3 webpages.

The full ascii table can be found here. The figures are in a tar file here.
Alternatively, I also provide a reduced html version of the catalogue: this allows you to quickly sort/search in columns, go directly to the object's details on the SDSS explorer (from which you can get the spectra, images, photometry, finding charts or so) and obtain a postcript figure for each absorber showing the detection, zabs and NHI measurement as well as equivalent widths of associated metals. For the moment being, the operations are on the client-side, which means the table may take some time (minutes) to load before you can play with it (depending on your internet connection, machine and web browser). This table is here.