IAP's class 2021 group picture
Photo: J. Mouette (IAP-CNRS-SU)


The new class of PhD students, post-doctoral fellows and engineers has joined the IAP in the fall of 2021.

During the welcome meeting that was held on November 25th 2021, the organization of the institute was presented to the new class, as well as the information they might need and the people they may contact during their stay in the laboratory.

The diversity of the subjects that will be addressed by these young researchers and engineers is large. Representative of this fact, their work at the IAP is funded by many sources: ministerial scholarships (including specific contracts for students from the Ecole Normale Supérieure), scholarships from Sorbonne Université, a scholarchip from the Office National d'Etudes et de Recherches Aérospatiales (ONERA), scholarships from the Chinese Scholarship Council (CSC), from the “PhD Joint Programmes” of the International Research Center (IRC) of the CNRS and the University of Arizona, and from the Australian Research Council (ARC), scholarships and fellowships from the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) and from the European Research Council (ERC), a fellowship from the Inria Nancy-Grand Est, a fellowship from the DIM ACAV+ of the Île-de-France region, fellowships from the Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES) (for more information, see Partnerships). The entire staff of the IAP wishes them a fruitful stay, and many rich scientific and technical exchanges.

The laboratory also congratulates the new doctors, who recently left the Institute at the end of their theses.

PhD students
Emma Ayçoberry “A sharper view of the late-time Universe: joint analyses of cosmic microwave background and galaxy surveys”
Tianxiang Chen “Chemo-dynamical evolution of the Milky Way”
Simon Ding “Uncovering primordial non-Gaussianities in upcoming Euclid survey”
Chi An Dong Páez “Multimessenger astrophysical modeling of massive black holes with numerical simulations”
Axel Lapel “Development of new statistics tools for the determination of the neutrino masses”
Marie Lecroq “Modeling of primeval galaxies in the James Webb Space Telescope era”
Hugo Levy “Instrumental characterization of MICROSCOPE 2: towards a multi-scale test of gravity in space”
Emilie Panek “Comparison of the atmospheres of brown dwarfs and hot gazeous exoplanets”
Efstathia NataliaRektsini “Detecting extrasolar planets via microlensing”
Mathieu Roule “Long-term resonant relaxation of self-gravitating systems”
Denis Werth “New probes of inflation: from the cosmological collider to gravitational wave cosmology”
Post-doctoral fellows
Virginie Batista “Software development for the analysis of data from the European Space Agency's Ariel satellite”
Pierre Boldrini “Optimal transport applied to cosmology”
Jean-Grégoire Ducoin “Electromagnetic counterparts of binary neutron star mergers, kilonovae”
Federica Guidi “Data analysis of the South Pole Telescope (SPT)”
Flavien Kiefer “Exoplanets characterization with SPIRou”
Florian Livet “Catalog-free inference of galaxy scale lengths evolution in deep survey images: massive dimensional reduction with neural networks”
Michael Petersen “The long-term evolution of stellar systems”
Karelle Siellez “Detection of the coincident detection between gravitational waves and their electromagnetic counterpart as Gamma-Ray bursts for the SVOM projet”
Engineers and project support staff
Simon Berquez “Euclid space project management assistance officer”
Aristide Doussot “Data analysis of the South Pole Telescope (SPT)”
Thomas Flanet “Software development for the Euclid space mission”
Writing: Valérie de Lapparent, Damien Le Borgne
Layout and iconography: Jean Mouette

December 2021

Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris - 98 bis boulevard Arago - 75014 Paris