Résumé / Abstract Seminaire_IAP
« Results from a Large Survey of Hot Jupiter Exoplanetary Atmospheres: The Dawn of Comparative Exoplanet Spectroscopy »

David Sing
School Physics, Univ. Exeter (Exeter, Royaume-Uni)

Exoplanetary systems with short orbital periods are now known to be extremely common throughout the galaxy, with now more than one thousand confirmed transiting exoplanets discovered. Through transmission, emission, and phase curve spectroscopy of transiting planets, a great deal of detailed characteristics are now being learned about exoplanet atmospheres. A new opportunity is arising to spectrally type and classify these completely new groups of astrophysical objects, and perform detailed comparative exoplanetology. Such is the challenge facing the extrasolar planets christened hot Jupiters, hot Neptunes, and super Earths an incredibly diverse group of exoplanets now accessible to transit spectroscopy. In this talk, I will review the atmospheric discoveries for these planets over the last decade, as well as present recent results from a large survey on the Hubble Space Telescope targeting hot Jupiter atmospheres.
Friday 12 December 2014 - 11:00
Amphithéâtre Henri Mineur, Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris
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