Résumé / Abstract Seminaire_IAP
« The meV/THz QCD Axion »

David Marsh
Dept. Physics, King's College, Univ. London (Londres, Royaume-Uni)

The QCD axion solves the strong-CP problem and provides a dark mater candidate. If it is produced by symmetry breaking and decay of cosmic strings in the early Universe, then the dark matter density in principle predicts the particle mass, in a manner I will review. Recent simulations of string decay point to a mass around 1 meV, larger than is accessible to traditional axion searches. The decay of the cosmic strings leads to production of dense objects known as miniclusters. I will discuss the formation of miniclusters, and some of their phenomenology in microlensing and radio astronomy. meV axions oscillate on earth at THz frequencies, presenting unique challenges in trying to detect them. I will discuss a new idea for THz axion detection using antiferromagnetic magnons.
Friday 19 November 2021 - 11:00
Amphithéâtre Henri Mineur, Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris
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