Anna Feltre

Postdoctoral Researcher at INAF-OAS (Italy), interested in active galactic nuclei (AGN) and their interaction with their host galaxies; statistical properties and evolution of galaxies and AGN; and spectral modeling and SED-fitting techniques

Contributions to BEAGLE:

     • Physical models of the emission from the narrow-line emitting regions of AGN (as described in Feltre+16)

   • Integration of these models into BEAGLE

Stephane Charlot

Senior researcher at the Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris (France)

Contributions to BEAGLE:

     Physical models of the emission from stellar populations and the absorption and emission from the interstellar medium

Emma Curtis-Lake

Holder of an STFC Webb Fellowship at the University of Hertfordshire (United Kingdom) to study galaxies observed with the James Webb Space Telescope with BEAGLE (along with Stephane and Jacopo)

Contributions to BEAGLE:

     • Integration of the Feltre+16 AGN narrow-line-region models into BEAGLE

     • Proper accounting for dust in H II regions (as described in Curtis-Lake+21)

     • Making BEAGLE ready for JWST data

     • Making BEAGLE able to produce spectra from Simulation outputs (star-formation and chemical enrichment histories from semi-analytic models, as well as particle info from hydrodynamic simulations)

Meet the BEAGLE Team

Adèle Plat

Postdoctoral Research Associate at the University of Arizona & Steward Observatory (USA)

Contributions to BEAGLE:

   • Input libraries of photoionization models (both density and ionization bounded, including flexible element abundance ratios)

Michaela Hirschmann

Assistant Professor at EPFL (Switzerland), leading the laboratory for galaxy evolution and spectral modelling. Holder of an SNF PRIMA research grant to study the role of black holes in the first galaxies and to develop a theoretical interpretative framework for spectroscopic observations from, e.g., the James Webb Space Telescope

Contributions to BEAGLE:

   • Providing star formation and chemical enrichment histories from semi-analytic models and gas-particle information from modern cosmological, hydrodynamic simulations

   • Using BEAGLE to perform accurate comparisons between simulated and observed galaxy spectra

   • Exploring potential uncertainties in BEAGLE fits caused by the neglect of nebular emission from Post-AGB stellar populations and fast, radiative shocks

Jacopo Chevallard

Part-time Postdoctoral Research Assistant at the University of Oxford (United Kingdom)

Contributions to BEAGLE:

     Original designer and primary developer

     • Generalized prescription for the attenuation of starlight by dust accounting for the content and spatial distribution of dust within galaxies

     • Photometric-redshift estimation

Alba Vidal-García

Astronomer and researcher, Observatorio Astronómico Nacional (OAN) in Madrid (Spain)

Contributions to BEAGLE:

   • Extensive testing of the code and post-processing tools on different plateforms since their inception (reporting several bugs)

   • Following these tests, suggestions for implementing new features and for improving the user experience of the code