magnetic fields  from the sun to blackholes

Scientific Rationale

Our friend and colleague Jean Heyvaerts passed away prematurely in July 2013, leaving behind a tremendous amount of bold and inspiring projects that he has initiated in various topics connected to magnetic fields and plasma physics. This conference aims at giving an overview of the diverse fields that he contributed to, bringing in his deep and novel ideas. Discussed topics will include magnetic structures from stellar to cosmological scales, reconnexion, jets and accretion, relativistic plasmas and turbulence, and cosmic-ray acceleration, to name but a few.

Jean Heyvaerts was also a committed professor who inspired generations of astronomers with his cheerful enthusiasm and remarkable lectures. This tribute will be an opportunity to gather his former disciples, colleagues, friends, as well as the current actors of these high energy astrophysics subjects from worldwide, to discuss their state of the art and their forthcoming progress.

Scientific Topics

  • Solar magnetism
  • Magnetospheres, winds around compact objects
  • Accretion-Ejection
  • Particle acceleration and magnetic reconnexion
  • Gravitation, turbulence, cosmology
  • Teaching

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