Build your list of galaxies and stars

Build your list of galaxies and stars!

Cosmological parameters:
Omegamatter: Omegalambda:

Galaxy parameters (blue band):
slope of LF (<0): M*: Mfaint:
median bulge fraction: max disk inclination (deg): min bulge axis-ratio (<= 1):
mean central disk surface magnitude: dispersion of disk surface magnitudes: dispersion of bulge surface magnitudes:

Stellar parameters:
add stars?
not yet available
bII (deg): lII (deg):

Output wavebands:
primary waveband: secondary waveband:

Observational parameters:
mlim: pixelx (arcsec): pixely (arcsec):
arrayx (pixels): arrayy (pixels):

Simulation parameters:
number of galaxies: random seed:
