Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris - Research group : Large scale structures and the distant universe
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Large scale structures and the distant universe

the NUT simulation (c) T. Kimm

Presentation of the group

Responsable : Karim BENABED




The research group « large scale structure and distant Universe » devotes its activities to the studies of large-scale distribution of matter in the Universe. Large-scale structures provide direct information on the properties of the Universe and can be compared to the theoretical predictions of cosmological models. Activities of the research group encompass theoretical modeling of cosmological model, survey observations and statistical analysis, and numerical simulations bridging the two first components. More specifically, the theoretical works focus on phenomenological studies of different primordial cosmological models to derive properties that can be observed and then, to confront them to observational constraints. These tasks have required the development of many new mathematical and statistical tools needed to compare theoretical predictions and observational constraints. These developments represent a large fraction of the research group activity, which can be used internally by people working on numerical simulations and large observational surveys. Some of these tools are made available to the community as common tools.


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